Chicago Regional 2023
January 19-20, 2023
221 N Columbus Drive Chicago, IL

About the Event
The 2023 Chicago Regional and Boot Camp will take place January 19 -20 at the Radisson Blu. We look forward to seeing you there.
Back to the Future Boot Camp – Believe it or not, it has been 52 years since Congress unleashed what has become known as “Contract Logistics” with the passage of the Motor Carrier Act of 1970, and related deregulation of other modes of transportation. Over time, attorneys for shippers, motor carriers, freight brokers, freight forwarders and other types of direct or third-party transportation resources, as well as air carriers, ocean carriers, NVOCCs and railroads have witnessed and contributed to the evolution of contracts as the methodology to define how and under what terms and condition freight moves from Point A to Point B, in direct or multi-modal arrangements, wherein the rules of the road are now defined by elaborate contract terms and conditions, rather than laws or underlying regulations.
This year’s Boot Camp will devote the entire four hours to dissecting this contract phenomenon, from pre-deregulation to post-deregulation, as well as the progressive evolution of contract logistics, leading to sophisticated terms and conditions found in today’s governing agreements, impacting all modes as to intrastate, interstate and foreign commerce.
The 2023 Chicago Regional program features timely topics that are of interest to attorneys practicing all modes of transportation law. Topics have been chosen based on suggestions received from past attendees as well as recent developments in the law that affect the transportation industry and the practices of all transportation lawyers. We hope to see you there!
Check out the CLE program for more details.
Click here to download the registration form. Deadline to register online is January 6, 2023. Registration prices are as follows. *Please note registrations completed and paid by credit card will incur a 3% credit card fee in addition to the registration fee.
Combo | |||||
Member | $460 | Non-Member* | $575 | Student | $185 |
Boot Camp Only | |||||
Member | $235 | Non-Member* | $335 | Student | $85 |
Seminar Only | |||||
Member | $360 | Non-Member* | $470 | Student | $110 |
*Non-member attendees will be eligible for a discounted introductory membership in TLA that will be good through July 2023 if applicant meets the membership qualifications. A non-member is defined as an individual who has never previously been a member of TLA.
Cancelation policy:
- $75 cancellation fee will be imposed upon cancellations received before the registration deadline.
- Cancellations will not be accepted after that date; however substitutes will be allowed.
- Cancellations must be received in writing by email by January 6, 2023. After January 6, no cancellations will be allowed.
CLE Schedule
Introductions and Welcome by William Taylor, Boot Camp Chair
Christopher Kelly, TLA President
Laura Gordon, 2023 Chicago Regional Seminar Co-Chair
Robert Reeb, 2023 Chicago Regional Seminar Co-Chair
“The Way We Were: Transportation Law and Contracts in the Era of Regulation”
Based on the premise that the past is a guide to the future, and in order to share with our newer members the historical context of the practice of transportation law pre-deregulation, our panelist will use this session to lay the foundation that, unlike today’s ability for users and providers of transportation services to enter into multiple and complex contractual relationships, to do so was severely restricted prior to the deregulation of motor carriers and other modes of transportation.
Instead, the Interstate Commerce Commission (ICC) was the primary jurisdictional motor carrier regulator which framed the practice of law for transportation attorneys upon a focus of so-called “operating rights” cases and where the ability to contract between shippers and carriers was severely restricted based on the economic premise that such agreements were inherently discriminatory and inconsistent under and with common law. In essence, we were motor carrier lawyers, first and foremost, combing through the Motor Carrier Lawyers Association (MCLA), the precursor to today’s TLA.
As a result, and from an historical perspective, the regulatory nature and focus of the practice was far different than it is today. Instead of the TLA, which is composed of a cross-section of attorney focuses throughout the industry, prior to deregulation, the nature of one’s practice in this industry was defined by a focus on the actual mode of transportation an attorney represented. This insular structure eventually and forever changed as deregulation became the means to redo not only the regulatory landscape across all modes of transit but served as well to radically change the nature of our own practices.
The speakers for this segment bring a front line and vast historical and experienced platform as to those economic, legal, political, and practical influences leading to the transformation from purely an operating rights type of practice mandated by a strict regulatory philosophy, leading to the contemporaneous and eventual liberation of contracts to govern the conduct of the parties in and to a transportation relationship.
Moderator: William Taylor, Partner, Hanson Bridgett LLP, Sacramento, CA
Presenters: Mark Andrews, Partner, Clark Hill PLC, Washington D.C.
Allen Motter, Vice-President – Legal & Risk, ArcBest, Fort Smith, AR
Martha Payne, Partner, Benesch Friedlander Coplan & Aronoff LLP, Lincoln City, OR
Henry Seaton, Partner, Seaton & Husk, LP, Nashville, TN
Greg Summy, Of Counsel, Woods Rodgers Vandeventer Black Plc, Norfolk, VA
“A Brave New World: Deregulation and the Birth of Contract Logistics”
The political, economic and social clamor to deregulate the transportation industry reached its zenith with federal legislation targeting, first, the airline, and, thereafter, the motor carrier industries, and, ultimately other modes of transportation, as well as third-party providers. This “free enterprise” movement was spread across both the then existing interstate and intrastate regulations which were perceived to be anti-competitive, costly, restrictive and economically protective of the theory that less competition necessarily created better and more economical services.
Against the backdrop of the passage of the ICC Termination Act of 1995, the Motor Carrier Act of 1980, the earlier and forerunner Airline Deregulation Act of 1978, and successive similar laws, aimed at, eventually, all aspects of the transportation industry (at both federal and state levels, as well as Mexico and Canada) led to a fundamental transformation of our own practices, particularly with the elimination of barriers against contracting for transportation services, as well as the restrictions against third-party relationships in the buying and selling of freight services, eventually led to what has become known as “contract logistics.”
The evolution was not instantaneous. Instead, the early contracts were “two-pagers.” Shippers were wary of entering into such arrangements. This attitude changed with the emergence of the “undercharge crisis” when contracts were viewed as the refuge from the filed-rate doctrine, a vestige of the prior regulatory platform. Ultimately, there was a grudging acceptance of the reality of contracts as mutually setting the terms and conditions of how shippers, carriers, and freight brokers (the newly legitimized new player in the transportation playing field) all interacted in a brave new world. Our speakers in this segment will focus on and share their expertise in the transformation of the alternative “contract regulation.”
This evolution is the topic of the second segment of the Boot Camp program which will be led by colleagues whose earlier practice model was confronted and challenged by these legislative initiates, eventually transforming the nature of our practices to what they have become today, leading to a significant transformation.
Moderator: William Taylor, Partner, Hanson Bridgett LLP, Sacramento, CA
Presenters: William Bierman, Partner, Price, McNeese, Shulman & D’Arminio, PC Woodcliff, NJ
Wesley “Wes” Chused, Of Counsel, Preti Flaherty Beliveau & Pachios LLP, Boston, MA
Gordon Hearn, Partner, Gardiner Roberts LLP, Toronto, Canada
George Pezold, Partner, Pezold, Smith, Hirschmann & Selvaggio, LLC, Huntington, NY
Carlos Sesma Sr., Sesma, Sesma & McNeese, S.C., Mexico City, Mexico
“Where we are Today: Contract Logistics in the Modern Era”
It is safe to say that today’s practice environment is built on extensive contractual relationships between shippers and carriers, shippers and freight brokers or forwarders, brokers and carriers, and other transportation-related services. The terms and conditions of the contracts defining these relationships have taken on a life of their own, leading to sophisticated and critical terms and conditions as a form of internal regulation, once dictated by a regulatory structure but now the product of the interaction of parties to define and implement their own contractual terms and conditions to define the business relationships between them. In order to appreciate the ever-changing terms and conditions of the contracts governing the movement of freight in today’s transportation economy, our panelists in this segment will share their own experiences in drafting innovative and creative terms and conditions which seek to address the interests of their respective clients from different industry perspectives, whether as in-house or outside counsel, in this era of contract logistics in which we all practice.
Moderator: William Taylor, Partner, Hanson Bridgett LLP, Sacramento, CA
Presenters: Hillary Booth, Partner Booth LLP, Los Angeles, CA
Kristen Johnson, Partner, Taylor Johnson PL, Clearwater, FL
Stephanie Penninger, Corporate Counsel RXO Logistics, Inc., Charlotte, NC
Jeff Simmons, Senior Vice President of Legal and Risk, GLOBALTRANZ, Phoenix, AZ
Opening Remarks and Introductions
Chris Kelly, TLA President, Partner, Gallivan, White & Boyd P.A., Charlotte, NC
Robert L Reeb, Shareholder, Marwedel, Minichello & Reeb, P.C., Chicago, IL
Laura P. Gordon, Partner, Orleans Canty Novy LLC, Chicago, IL
Self-introductions of Participants
“Listen to your Lawyer – Risk Management from an In-House Counsel Perspective”
This panel will explore risk management issues for carriers, property brokers and intermediaries for both casualty risks and cargo loss, and will specifically review processes for vetting motor carriers, training the sales side and creating a culture that values safety and compliance.
Moderator: Robert Zimmerman, General Counsel, Color Brands, Chicago, IL
Presenters: Pui Hong, Senior Legal Counsel, Trimac, Calgary, Canada
Ryan Lanterman, Director, Legal Administration & Risk Management, AIT Worldwide Logistics, Inc., Itasca, IL
“Navigating Insurance Coverage Issues In Transportation Cases”
This panel will analyze claims and defenses to insurance coverage from an insurer/insured prospective, and discuss possible coverage disputes in casualty, cargo, and property damage claims, including: Who is an insured under the policy and why? When is an entity insured under a policy not issued directly to it and what is the basis for tendering its defense?
Moderator: Miles Holden, Partner, Hanson Bridgett LLP, San Francisco, CA
Panelist: Bradley A. Bertkau, Partner, Orleans Canty Novy LLC, Chicago, IL
Refreshment Break
“Securing your high value cargo”
This panel will discuss security issues relating to planned thefts and staged accidents, and will include the steps clients should be taking to protect their high value cargo from planned thefts and organized criminals, and recommended measures and practices to protect against staged accidents.
Moderator: Joel Bello, Associate, Nicklaus & Associates, P.A., Coral Gables, FL
Panelist: William “Willie” Morales, Founder, Willie Morales Consulting, Inc., Hollywood, FL
“The Trucking Litigation Landscape–How SMALL Verdicts and Settlements Are Affecting Carriers and What We Can Do About It,”
This panel will take us past the usual topic of “nuclear” verdicts and explore the perhaps unanticipated impact of small verdicts and will update us on the current litigation landscape in transportation, the correlating effect on insurance premiums and coverages, and the current best practices to mitigate those risks.
Moderator: Billy Davis, Partner, Bovis, Kyle, Burch & Medlin, LLC, Atlanta, GA
Panelists: Edwin Anglin, Vice President of Legal at USA Truck, Inc., Ft. Smith, AK
Chris Loggie, Executive Vice President, AmWINS Group Brokerage, Chicago, IL
Dan Murray, Senior Vice President, American Transportation Research Institute (ATRI), Minneapolis, MN
“Two’s Company, Three’s a Possible Indictment – The Ins and Outs of Joint Competitor Activities”
In exploring the background setting that companies using or providing logistics and transportation services frequently engage in joint activities with their competitors – this may be a joint venture, participating in a buying cooperative or joint purchasing agreement, joining a working insurance carriers’ alliance, contributing to industry standard settings, or simply participating in a trade association. This program will discuss when and how such activities are allowed, and what should be avoided.
Moderator: Jeremy Handschuh, Member, Mitchell – Handschuh Law Group, in Atlanta, GA
Panelists: Andrew Danas, Partner, Grove, Jaskiewicz and Cobert LLP, Washington, DC
Jol Silversmith, Member, KMA Zuckert LLC, Washington, DC
Callie Castillo, Shareholder, Lane Powell, Seattle, WA
“Dead or Alive? A Discussion on the Continued Relevance of the Hughes Test”
This panel will consider whether and to what extent the Hughes test is still applicable, and whether Courts should be returning to a pre-regulatory circumstances where carriers can limit liability without more than a written contract establishing a reasonable value for the limitation. The panelists will also explore the usefulness and applicability of Hughes and its successor cases in light of the legislative history surrounding the statute and practicalities of the transportation industry.
Moderator: Emileigh S. Hubbard, Shareholder, Henry Oddo Austin & Fletcher, P.C., Dallas, TX
Panelists: Wesley Chused, Of Counsel, PretiFlaherty, Boston, MA
Christopher J. Merrick, Shareholder, Flaster Greenberg, Philadelphia, PA.
“Now what? Responding to AB5 and its Profound Impact on the Transportation Industry”
This panel will delve into the implementation of AB5 in California, the response of motor carriers and brokers, the national impact, and the alternatives to the independent contractor model that are being put into practice. It will also explore legislative and judicial responses, and similar pending legislation in other states.
Moderator: Jason Engkjer, Partner, DeWitt, LLP, Minneapolis, MN
Panelists: Rich Pianka, General Counsel & Executive Vice President—Legal Affairs, American Trucking Association
Mike Glover, Partner, DeWitt, LLP, Minneapolis, MN
“Maintaining an Ethical Work Environment in the ‘New Normal’”
This panel explains unique ethical issues presented in the new remote work environment, including the unauthorized practice of law when working remotely, challenges with Zoom depositions and client conferences, being hacked and other unintentional disclosures of confidential information, and the like.
Moderator: Robert L. Reeb, Shareholder, Marwedel, Minichello & Reeb, PC, Chicago, IL
Panelist: Stephanie Stewart, Partner, Robinson, Stewart, Montgomery & Doppke, LLC, Chicago, IL
Meet the Speakers

Mark Andrews
Mark Andrews counsels providers and users of transportation services on business, regulatory and judicial matters. With more than 40 years of experience in Washington D.C., and with undergraduate and law degrees from Harvard University, Mark focuses his practice on the transportation and logistics industry. He counsels carriers and their customers of all sizes, acting as advisor and advocate on a wide variety of issues and projects, including: • Conflicts between federal and state laws, • Transportation mergers and acquisitions, • Transportation safety regulation, • Drafting and negotiation of master service agreements, and • Disputes over international transportation services. Mark has extensive experience in negotiating and drafting complex nationwide and international logistics and supply chain management contracts. These agreements have brought predictable pricing and enabled measurable service improvements across a wide variety of industries and almost all transportation modes. Mark also has delivered regulatory and federal preemption opinions required for the closing of transportation mergers and acquisitions worth billions of dollars and has obtained necessary regulatory approvals for such transactions. Throughout his career, Mark has made presentations before a variety of bar and trade associations, as an adjunct law professor and at in-house client seminars on the regulatory changes made by significant Federal transportation legislation. In his current role as co-chair of the federal regulatory committee of the Transportation Lawyers Association (TLA), he helps alert the supply-chain bar on the ever-changing requirements of Federal transportation safety regulations.
Edwin Anglin
Edwin Anglin has served as Vice President, Legal for USA Truck since November 2020. He plays a crucial role in supporting the company to conduct business in a progressive and compliant manner, providing legal counsel for a wide variety of legal matters. Before joining USA Truck, Mr. Anglin held various positions as a litigator in private practice law firms in Georgia and South Carolina. He is licensed to practice law in Arkansas, Georgia, Louisiana and South Carolina. Mr. Anglin earned a B.S. from Eastern Michigan University, a J.D. from Charleston School of Law, and an LL. M. from Louisiana State University, Paul M. Hebert Law Center.

Joel Bello
Joel Bello is an associate attorney with the law firm of Nicklaus & Associates, P.A. in Miami, FL and specializes in Defense Transportation, Negligence Security and Security Matters in Civil Defense. Mr. Bello was born in Havana, Cuba and raised in Miami, Florida. He graduated from Florida International University in Miami, Florida in 1999 with a Bachelor of Science degree in Criminal Justice. In 2016, he graduated from National University with a Master of Arts in Performance Psychology. In addition to his stellar curriculum, Mr. Bello earned his Juris Doctorate in 2019 from the University of St. Thomas School of Law. Mr. Bello brings a very unique perspective to the firm’s practice in security matters and jury presentation. Mr. Bello brings 18 years of law enforcement experience to his legal services. During his time with the Miami-Dade Police Department he has served in the Narcotics Bureau; Robbery Bureau; has supervised the Street Gang Section Multi-Agency Gang Taskforce; and served as Lieutenant for the Special Response Team, Priority Response Team, and Homeland Security Intelligence & Investigations Section. Additionally, Mr. Bello was a certified player agent with Major League Baseball Players Association, helping him become a zealous negotiator. Mr. Bello is currently an adjunct professor at St. Thomas University School of Law teaching Criminal Procedure and Cyber Security Crime Law. Mr. Bello is admitted to practice in the State of Florida.

Bradley Bertkau
Brad represents both large and small corporations and individuals, as self-insureds and as insureds on behalf of insurance companies. Brad's practice focuses on the defense of insureds and self-insureds with his primary concentration of legal representation in tort defense in all areas of construction litigation, transportation litigation, construction injury, construction defect litigation and insurance defense. His practice includes handling matters from the initial inception of a claim though trial, including post-judgment appellate work. Responsibilities include management of files from initial filing through resolution; establishing and implementing all phases of preparation from initial investigation and strategy for complicated and complex litigation. Litigation experience extends throughout the State of Illinois. In addition, Brad is a member of the Chicago Bar Association, Transportation Lawyers Association and the Trucking Industry Defense Association. The TLA and TIDA are an independent associations dedicated to the issues of the transportation industry both nationally and internationally.

William Bierman
William D. Bierman is a senior partner in the law firm of Price, Meese, Shulman & D’Arminio, P.C. in New Jersey and New York where he leads a unique Transportation Law Group. He has been actively engaged in the practice of transportation law for more than forty years. Recently Bill was presented with the LIFETIME ACHIEVEMENT AWARD by the Transportation Lawyers Association at its annual meeting in Scottsdale, Arizona. Bill is the long time Executive Director of the Transportation Loss Prevention and Security Association (TLP&SA) an industry trade group which acts as a spokesman for claims and security interests. He was Former Chairman of the Conference of Freight Counsel a group made up of the foremost transportation attorneys in North America. In 1997 Bill was presented with the Chairman’s Award by the Transportation Loss Prevention and Security Council of the American Trucking Association for his outstanding contribution to the industry. Bill serves on the Advisory Board of The Voorhees Transportation Center at Rutgers University. He is also on the Board of Directors of the Country-Wide Insurance Company and he represents the New Jersey Motor Truck Association. Bill is a graduate of Rutgers University (B.A. 1964) and both Rutgers University School of Law (J.D. 1967) and the New York University School of Law (L.L.M. 1970). He served as an adjunct professor of law at the William Paterson University in Wayne, New Jersey from 1978-1981. He is admitted to practice in New Jersey and the federal courts of New Jersey and New York as well as before U.S. Supreme Court, various Federal Circuit Courts of Appeal and Federal District Courts throughout the United States.

Hillary Arrow Booth
Hillary Arrow Booth is the Managing Partner of Booth LLP, a small Los Angeles based firm. She successfully represents clients in jury trials, court trials, administrative hearings, and arbitrations throughout California. Ms. Booth concentrates her practice on the transportation industry, representing brokers, motor carriers, and freight forwarders in freight claims, casualty claims, fee disputes, and employment related disputes including anti-competition and anti-solicitation provisions and alleged misclassification of independent contractors. Ms. Booth negotiates and prepares the unique documents required by the industry, including broker-carrier agreements, shipper-broker/carrier agreements, co-broker agreement, bills of lading, lease agreements, and warehouse agreements. She provides advice on compliance with California environmental and labor laws. Ms. Booth is a Past President of the Transportation Lawyers Association and is a member of the Conference of Freight Counsel. Ms. Booth served for many years as a member of the Board of Directors of the California Trucking Association, and as the Chair of its Los Angeles/Orange County Unit.

Callie Castillo
Callie Castillo is a Shareholder with Lane Powell PC where she assists clients with complex litigation, regulatory advice, and appeals. Callie represents both public and private entities in matters related to commercial disputes; civil rights and election laws; consumer protection, antitrust and regulatory defense; class actions including wage and hour; and state and local tax controversies. In addition to handling litigation matters from start to finish, Callie has successfully briefed and argued numerous cases in front of the Washington Court of Appeals, the Washington Supreme Court, and the Ninth Circuit.
Before joining Lane Powell in 2019, Callie spent twelve years with the Washington State Attorney General’s Office with her last position as Deputy Solicitor General. During her time there, she independently handled and oversaw appellate cases at all levels of state and federal courts, and served as advisor to elected officials. Callie’s experience included defending Washington state, both in state and federal litigation, against constitutional challenges to various laws and initiatives.
Callie received her B.A. from the University of Washington and J.D. from George Mason School of Law.

Wesley Chused
Wesley S. Chused is a director in the law firm of Preti Flaherty Beliveau & Pachios LLP in Boston, Massachusetts. He graduated from Clark University and Suffolk University Law School and has been practicing law for 49 years, primarily in the area of transportation law and related matters. He is a member of the Massachusetts Bar and practices in state and federal courts in Massachusetts and elsewhere on a pro hac vice basis. Mr. Chused’s clients include many of the country’s leading motor carriers, freight brokers, insurance companies, van lines, freight forwarders, shippers and warehousemen whom he has represented in litigation and in administrative proceedings before the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration and the Massachusetts Department of Public Utilities. His practice covers cargo defense, casualty claims, transportation contracts, commercial litigation and related issues. Mr. Chused has been a member of the Transportation Lawyers Association since 1975. For many years he served as chairman of TLA’s Freight Claims Committee and has served as a faculty member of the Transportation Law Institute and on numerous TLA programs. He is also an active member of the Conference of Freight Counsel (past Chairman, 2007 - 2008), the American College of Transportation Attorneys, the Canadian Transport Lawyers Association and the Association of Transportation Law Professionals. In 2003 Mr. Chused was awarded the Transportation Lawyers Association’s Distinguished Service Award, in 2008 he received the Conference of Freight Counsel’s Chairman’s Award, and on May 3, 2013 he was awarded the Transportation Lawyers Association’s Lifetime Achievement Award. He has authored numerous transportation papers and articles on motor carrier and freight broker liability and contracting, including The Evolution of Motor Carrier Liability Under the Carmack Amendment Into the 21st Century, 36 Transp. L. J. 177, and has addressed bar and trade associations on various transportation law topics.

Andrew Danas
Andrew M. Danas is a partner with the Washington, D.C. law firm of Grove, Jaskiewicz and Cobert LLP, where he represents domestic and international clients on commercial, regulatory, and litigation issues involving international trade, logistics, and supply chain matters. He is also Co-Chair of the EALG Network of law firms, a network of independent law firms in the United States, Europe, South America, and Asia. A recipient of the Transportation Lawyers Association’s Distinguished Service Award, Andy currently serves as a Co-Chair of the TLA’s Antitrust and Unfair Trade Practices Committee. As part of his law practice, Andy regularly advises and represents logistics companies; trade associations; shippers; and buying cooperatives on commercial, government, and litigation matters related to competition and unfair trade practices law. A frequent speaker and writer, his articles have appeared in The Transportation Lawyer; academic law reviews; and various trade publications. In addition to the TLA, Andy has most recently held leadership positions in the American Bar Association International Law Section, where he has just completed a three-year term as Co-Chair of the International Contracts Committee and from which he has received an award for his prior work as Co-Chair of the ABA ILS International Transportation Committee He is a Fellow of the American Bar Foundation, a global honorary society of attorneys, judges, law faculty, and legal scholars whose membership is limited to one percent of lawyers licensed to practice in each jurisdiction. He is AV Preeminent® Peer Review Rated by Martindale-Hubbell®. Andy received his undergraduate degree from the University of Connecticut and his law degree from the National Law Center of the George Washington University, Washington, D.C.

Billy Davis
William “Billy” Davis has been in private litigation defense practice for sixteen years, representing businesses and professionals in a variety of tort and contract claims. A significant portion of his practice includes catastrophic injury claims and, in particular, claims against commercial truck drivers and commercial transportation companies. Originally from New Orleans, Louisiana, he graduated from Auburn University in 1999 and worked as a financial advisor in Atlanta for several years after graduating. In 2006, he received a JD and bachelor’s degree in civil law from the Louisiana State University Paul M. Hebert law center. Mr. Davis operates a rapid response team consisting of lawyers and outside professionals who respond immediately to catastrophic accidents in order to provide timely advice, assist with the preservation of evidence, and to help prevent bad situations from becoming worse. His team has been successful in saving clients millions of dollars from potential claims.

Jason Engkjer
Jason Engkjer is a partner with DeWitt, LLP’s Minneapolis office. His practice is primarily devoted to corporate planning, transactions and complex commercial litigation with a unique focus in transportation and supply chain law. He represents a diverse array of clients ranging from small, closely held companies to multi-national organizations on a nationwide basis, but primarily in the upper Midwest. His clients include national motor carriers, logistics and related supply chain companies, retail and manufacturing companies, insurance companies, and financial institutions. Jason is also frequently asked to speak to private groups and national audiences on a variety of business law matters including litigation, transactional, regulatory and transportation law topics. Jason is active with the Transportation Lawyer’s Association, Minnesota Trucking Association, North Dakota Motor Carrier Association and is a member of the Conference of Freight Counsel. Jason is a current board member and general counsel for Farm Rescue and Farm Rescue Foundation. He is a former board member and general counsel for the Epilepsy Foundation of Minnesota and actively supports a number of non-profit organizations in the Twin Cities area.

Michael Glover
Michael Glover is a partner with DeWitt LLP’s Minneapolis office practicing in the areas of Transportation & Logistics, Business, Labor & Employment and Litigation. He is rated AV Preeminent® for the highest level of professional excellence by Martindale-Hubbell. Education: J.D., cum laude, University of Minnesota Law School, B.A., cum laude, University of Washington Bar Admissions: Minnesota, U.S. District Court for the District of Minnesota, and U.S. Courts of Appeals for the 6th and 8th Circuits. Mike is a member of the Board of the Minnesota Trucking Association (MTA) and has participated on task forces and committees for MTA, including the Driver Project Team Committee to analyze practical, training, insurance and regulatory options; the Automated Vehicles Task Force Committee, a cross discipline Committee exploring the issues facing members; and, currently, Mike serves on the MTA’s governmental affairs committee discussing trucking industry advocacy before state and national legislatures. With experience advising users and providers of transportation services, Mike interacts with governmental regulators, enforcement officials and other stakeholders including large shippers, insurers, and fulfilment providers. Mike understands the myriad of general and specialized issues, including employment, independent contractors, contracts, freight loss claims, and insurance touching on the movement of freight by various modes and strives to provide timely and quality legal advice to his clients. In addition to his substantial transportation practice, Mike counsels individuals and businesses regarding best employment practice, employment discrimination, and personnel practices audits. He also advises employers on return to work and work from home issues.

Jeremy Handschuh
Jeremy R. Handschuh is a founding partner at the Mitchell – Handschuh Law Group located in Atlanta, Georgia. His practice focuses on the transportation and business sectors advising clients in commercial and business litigation as well as corporate, regulatory, administrative, and transactional matters. Jeremy received his JD from Indiana University—Maurer School of Law in 2008 and a bachelor of business administration from Georgia State University in accounting and economics with cum laude honors. Core clients in the transportation field include brokers or 3PLs, 4PLs, domestic and international freight forwarders, shippers, receivers; warehouses and consolidators; contract packaging companies; general commodity and refrigerated truckload and less-than-truckload carriers; haz-mat and tank carriers; and a variety of other business involved in handling, arranging, and moving freight. Jeremy handles a broad array of litigation matters in federal and state courts including freight collection matters, advanced collection proceedings such as fraudulent transfer actions and injunctions, cargo damage claims and collections, corporate ownership disputes, restrictive covenant disputes, and insurance coverage disputes. He also drafts, reviews, and revises transportation agreements, commercial law agreements, employment agreements including restrictive covenants, asset sales, and corporate governance agreements and filings. Jeremy serves as a Co-Chair of the Transportation Lawyers Association’s Commercial and Business Litigation & Antitrust and Unfair Trade Practices Committees.

Gordon Hearn
Gordon Hearn represents international and domestic interests involved in the transportation, supply chain and distribution of goods in litigation, regulatory and contractual matters. He advises shippers, receivers, carriers, logistics providers (3PL’s, supply chain and “fulfillment” providers, freight forwarders, load brokers, customs brokers and warehousemen) and their insurers on their legal interest and exposure in the international, cross-border and domestic carriage of goods by all modes of carriage. Gordon provides advice and representation in the following areas: • Litigation: Cross-Border and Domestic Commercial Litigation, Cargo Claims, Products Liability, Insurance and Casualty Claims • Contracts: Drafting and Negotiation • Insurance: Coverage and Related Issues • Regulatory Compliance: Operational and Licensing Issues • Sale of Goods (Domestic and International) • Multi-Modal (ocean, air, rail + road) and Inter-modal (rail + road) carriage Gordon is a Past President of the Transportation Lawyers Association, an independent, international bar association whose members assist providers and commercial users of transportation and logistics services. Gordon is a frequent speaker at conferences and seminars throughout North America on the above matters. Gordon has authored numerous related papers and articles.

Miles Holden
Miles Holden is a partner at Hanson Bridgett LLP's San Francisco office and serves as the firm's Insurance Recovery Practice Leader. He advises clients on a wide variety of insurance matters and litigates insurance-coverage actions throughout the US. Miles has represented both insurers and insureds, but now focuses on advising and advocating for insureds. He obtained his undergraduate degree from Stanford University and his J.D. from Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law, Yeshiva University. Miles is admitted to practice law in Arizona, California, Florida, New Jersey, New York, and various federal courts.

Pui Hong
Senior Legal Counsel California Western School of Law, 2005 State Bar of California (inactive) and Law Society of Alberta Interim Communications Director for the CTLA; volunteer and board committee member for Calgary Legal Guidance

Emileigh Hubbard
Emileigh is a shareholder at Henry Oddo Austin & Fletcher, P.C. with offices in Dallas and Denver. Her practice focuses on representing cargo and household goods motor carriers, individuals, brokers and intermediaries, and other entities related to the storage and transportation of cargo. Emileigh is admitted to practice in state courts in Texas and Colorado, and is admitted to federal courts nationwide in representing her clients. Emileigh graduated from Austin College with her Bachelor's Degree in Political Science and from St. Mary's School of Law with her law degree. Emileigh is a Member of the Conference of Freight Counsel, the Transportation Lawyers Association, and the Paul Brown American Inn of Court. Prior to private practice, Emileigh clerked for two federal judges. Emileigh and her husband, Garrett, have two sons, Clark (10) and Luke (7), and two rescue dogs, and spend most weekends watching their sons play flag football, basketball, or soccer (or all three).

Kristen Johnson
Kristen MJ Johnson is an Of Counsel Attorney at Taylor Johnson PL. In 2020, Kristen was the only private practice attorney selected as a Top Woman to Watch in Transportation by the Women in Trucking Association. She is licensed to practice in Florida, California, and DC, and the nature of her transportation practice spans the United States and often internationally. Kristen focuses on business litigation, arbitration, appeals, and government investigations within the trucking and logistics arenas. She regularly handles freight claims under the Carmack Amendment, complex civil disputes, product and warranty claims, and contract disputes. Kristen’s practice originated at a major Washington, DC law firm, where she represented large corporate interests, sovereign governments, and high-stakes individual matters. Kristen spent part of her career in Doha, Qatar, where she advised on domestic and international disputes, construction claims, risk prevention, data protection, and corporate investigations. Her appellate work includes submissions before the U.S. Supreme Court, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the First, Fourth, and Eleventh Circuits, and state courts of appeals. Kristen directly advises clients on risk management, case and witness preparation, investigations response and compliance programs, and critical strategy. She manages legal teams, streamlines budgets, and oversees deadlines. She is experienced as lead attorney at trials, hearings, depositions, and settlement negotiations. Before entering the law, Kristen was a recipient of a U.S. Fulbright Fellowship to Japan, where she researched labor and civil rights issues. As a thought leader, Kristen is active in the industry and community. She is a member of Women in Trucking, the Transportation Lawyers Association, and the Conference of Freight Counsel. Her other passion is humanitarian aid and children’s rights. She is on the Board of Directors for Friends of the Children, Tampa Bay, and she is the co-founder of Pretrial Rights International. Kristen lives in Safety Harbor, Florida, with her husband, three sons, and adorable puppy dog.

Ryan Lanterman
Ryan Lanterman serves as General Counsel for AIT Worldwide Logistics, Inc. ("AIT"). With headquarters located in Itasca, Illinois, AIT offers a full range of transportation and customs brokerage services across more than 60 offices throughout North America, Europe, and Asia. Ryan holds a B.S. in Commerce from DePaul University (2001), as well as a J.D. (2012) and LL.M. in Int'l Business and Trade Law (2017) from The John Marshall Law School in Chicago. Prior to being admitted to the Illinois Bar, and moving into an in-house legal role, Ryan held various accounting and finance managerial roles for AIT and UPS Supply Chain Solutions, and originally began his career in transportation as an ocean export clerk for C.H. Robinson. Ryan currently resides his wife and two sons in Naperville, IL.
Chris Logge
Shortly after graduating from Florida State University in 2007, Chris began his insurance career as an underwriter intern at Carolina Casualty in Jacksonville, FL where he quickly climbed the ranks to Senior Underwriter There he managed the company’s largest agency relationships encompassing over a $20M book of business. During his tenure at Carolina, he was instrumental in hiring new talent and formalizing a training program. He also assisted with revamping the company’s underwriter guidelines in fleet as well as manuscripting coverage forms and symbols. Well equipped with a five year strong foundation in underwriting all lines of commercial auto, he made a career move to the wholesale side, spearheading AMWINS primary auto initiative for brokerage. Over the last ten years at AMWINS, he was able to successfully mentor and roll out a $1M revenue generated producer. He has climbed the ranks at AMWINS from Assistant VP to Executive Vice President.

Chris Merrick
Chris Merrick is a 2008 graduate of Villanova University law school and a shareholder at Flaster Greenberg, where he leads the firm's transportation group. While Chris lives and works in the Philadelphia, Pennsylvania area, he is admitted to practice in twenty federal and state courts located throughout the country. Chris's practice is focused on assisting clients located worldwide with their unique legal needs related to transportation and storage of goods, along with commercial supply chains. In the context of cargo claims, Chris has secured favorable trial court and appellate rulings for rail, motor, and ocean carriers in cargo matters concerning enforcement of a carrier’s limitation of liability, enforcement of subcontractor exoneration clauses, and clarifying the Carmack Amendment’s contours after the Supreme Court’s decision in Regal-Beloit. Chris’s cargo practice also includes unique engagements from time-to-time, such as: transportation of goods from the White House, claims involving priceless works of art, and even a cargo claim filed by a former number 1 overall NFL draft pick. In addition to TLA, Chris is a member of a variety of industry groups including the Conference of Freight Counsel. Chris and his wife, Hillorie, are the proud parents of two young children: Simon (8) and George (6).

William "Willie" Morales
William “Willie” Morales retired as a detective after twenty-eight (28) years with the Miami Dade Police Department where he spent the last twenty (20) years as a detective in the Cargo Crime Task Force. Willie was also the primary instructor on the topic of Cargo Theft Investigations for the region. In 2010, Willie founded Willie Morales Consulting, Inc., where he focuses on helping private companies with cargo theft prevention, training, commercial site security and inspections, and high value load escorts. Willie continues to help the law enforcement community fight cargo theft throughout the United States by educating detectives on the topic and by cooperating with them on ongoing investigations.

Allen Motter
Roadway Express, Inc./YRC Worldwide. (now Yellow Corp.) 1993-2009, Sr. Corp. Counsel, Assistant Corp. Secretary Panther Premium Logistics, Inc. 2009-2012, VP, GC ArcBest Corp. 2012 – present, VP Legal & Risk [ArcBest bought Panther in 2012] Lieutenant Colonel (ret.), Army Reserves. 1987-2013
Dan Murray
Daniel Murray has more than 26 years of experience in a broad range of transportation fields including trucking research and economics, transportation safety technologies and autonomous vehicles. As Senior Vice President for the American Transportation Research Institute (ATRI), Dan is responsible for managing ATRI’s transportation research, testing and evaluation, and leads multiple national activities including the U.S. DOT-sponsored Freight Mobility Initiative. Prior to his employment with ATRI, he spent several years working in economic development for a Chicago business consortium and four years developing transit programs, policy and funding with the Regional Transit Board in Minneapolis/St. Paul, Minnesota. Dan is actively involved in the National Academies’ Transportation Research Board as Vice Chair of the Trucking Research Committee, and presently sits on the Boards of the Freight Mobility Research Institute, Mid-America Transportation Center and the Minnesota Freight Advisory Committee. Dan received his BA from Gustavus Adolphus College in St. Peter, Minnesota, and his MS from Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois.

Martha Payne
Martha represents and assists North American transportation and logistics providers and users on a wide variety of transportation issues. Martha has extensive experience in drafting and negotiating domestic and international transportation, logistics, and supply chain management contracts. She advises shippers, carriers, and 3PLs of all sizes regarding cargo liability, risk management, contracting, and collection issues. Martha has represented U.S. carriers on the National Law Center for Inter- American Free Trade’s Sub-Committee on Uniform Liability Regime, which involved negotiations with representatives of Canadian, Mexican, and U.S. shippers, carriers, and government representatives. Prior to joining Benesch, Martha had more than 30 years experience in the transportation industry, including terminal operations, accounting, pricing, collections, cargo claims management, and finally Senior Attorney for Consolidated Freightways. In the position of Senior Attorney, she was responsible for all transportation related legal issues, including contracts, cargo claims, regulatory matters, and litigation management. Martha is a past recipient of the Transportation Lawyers Association Lifetime Achievement Award in recognition of her longstanding dedication and service to the Transportation Lawyers Association and the legal profession over the course of a distinguished career. She was recently awarded the “Dick Hyman for the Love of Music Award” in appreciation for her years of service to the Siletz Bay Music Festival as a Founding Member, Board Chair, Board Member and Advisor and for her love of music as exemplified by encouraging the development and presentation of live music to the community of Lincoln County, Oregon. Martha also serves on the board of directors of Fields of Peace, a non-profit, whose vision is a world in which conflicts are solved peacefully and whose mission is to stop the killing of children in wars.

Stephanie Penninger
Stephanie S. Penninger is a Senior Director, Legal Counsel at RXO, a publicly traded, leading provider of tech-enabled freight brokerage services connecting customers to approximately 100,000 independent carriers and more than 1.5 million trucks across North America. In her role, Stephanie assists RXO in navigating the ever-changing regulatory landscape in the transportation and logistics industry, developing operational best practices and global customer solutions. Stephanie works close to the business in its performance of international freight forwarding, domestic truckload brokerage and customs brokerage operations. Stephanie’s expertise in advising on global supply chain legal matters has also proven valuable to industry associations. Stephanie is a Past Chair and a Current Vice President of the American Bar Association’s Admiralty and Maritime Law Committee and has served as a Member-at-Large, on the Transportation Lawyers Association’s Executive Committee. She is also a member of the Association of Corporate Counsel’s International Affinity Group and the Transportation Intermediaries Association’s Food Advisory and Carrier Selection Committees. Stephanie has spoken before various industry groups and their membership throughout North America and written numerous published articles regarding maritime law matters, avoiding and litigating cargo claims and mitigating risk when transporting or arranging the transportation of food.

George Pezold
George Carl Pezold is the Senior Member of Pezold Smith Hirschmann & Selvaggio LLC in Huntington, New York. Following graduation from Stevens Institute of Technology, he earned his J.D. at New York University School of Law. Pezold first joined the corporate staff at Grumman Aerospace and acted as counsel to the Director of the Lunar Module "LEM" program. He left Grumman for private practice in 1970 and became partners with the well-known transportation attorney, Bill Augello. He was soon "baptized" into the field of transportation law where he has practiced for over 50 years. In addition to his litigation experience in the federal courts, including the Courts of Appeals for the 2nd, 4th, 5th, 9th, and 11th Circuits, he has authored many texts and articles including Freight Claims in Plain English (4th Ed), Shipping & Receiving in Plain English and 11 volumes of Transportation & Logistics Q&A in Plain English. As Executive Director of the Transportation & Logistics Council, he also contributes regularly to the TLC's monthly TransDigest. His "extracurricular" activities include the Huntington Choral Society and the Alfa Romeo Owners Club.

Rich Pianka
Rich Pianka is General Counsel and Executive Vice President for Legal Affairs at the American Trucking Associations, where he advocates on behalf of the trucking industry before Congress and the executive branch on a wide range of legislative and regulatory issues. In addition, as Chief Counsel of the ATA Litigation Center, he is responsible for advancing and defending the interests of motor carriers in the nation's courts, and regularly represents ATA in cases with broad policy implications for the trucking industry. Rich came to ATA in 2012 from the general and appellate litigation practice at Mayer Brown LLP. Previously, Rich clerked for Chief Judge Danny J. Boggs of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit, and is a graduate of Princeton University, the University of Texas at Austin, and the Georgetown University Law Center.

Robert Reeb
Rob was born in Stockton, California. He graduated in 1985, cum laude, from the University of Dallas with a BA, majoring in politics. In 1988, he was admitted to the Illinois bar after earning his law degree, and a master’s degree in political theory, both with honors, from Loyola University of Chicago. Prior to his civil experience, Rob served in the U.S. Marine Corps as a prosecutor and staff counsel. Since then, Rob has regularly practiced before Illinois State and Federal Courts, as well as in the Federal District Courts in Indiana and Wisconsin. He is one of the founding shareholders of Marwedel, Minichello & Reeb, P.C., established in 1997, a firm specializing in maritime and transportation law. During his career, Rob has been active in various professional and service organizations, including the Propeller Club, Port of Chicago (President, 2000-2002); the Illinois State Bar Association; the Maritime Law Association of the United States (Proctor; Nominating Committee, 2010); the Transportation Lawyers Association; and the Intermodal Association of North America.

Hank Seaton
Henry (Hank) Seaton is a graduate of Duke and Vanderbilt law school. He has practiced transportation law for 49 years. A long time TLA member, he participated in operating rights cases before the ICC and state boards during the ‘70s and early ‘80s and was involved in the defense of undercharge cases which created the legacy of shipper and broker-dictated contracts under Section 14101(b) waivers. Hank is a member of the Washington, D.C. based firm of Seaton & Husk, LP and recipient of TLA’s Lifetime Achievement Award. As Co-Chair of the Federal Regulation Committee he publishes a monthly Legislative and Regulatory Update available to TLA members. Hank is involved in advocacy for several trade associations and is author of “Rules of the Road: A Practical Guide to Legal Issues in Truck Transportation.”

Carlos Sesma Sr.
Areas of Expertise: Land, Maritime and Air Transportation, 3PL Logistics, Foreign Investment, Cross Border Services, Corporate, M&A, Telecommunications, Broadcasting, Press and Entertainment Carlos actively advises corporations involved in the logistics, international and national transportation, and foreign trade sectors, within the wide range of services in the storage, distribution, cross docks, and international border crossing areas, etc. Likewise, he has been involved in various groups for analyzing and modifying laws and regulations drafts and other applicable provisions related to transportation and communications sectors, including representing Mexico in the negotiations of the USMCA. In the area of telecommunications and radiobroadcasting, he has rendered advising services to various corporations of the sector in relation to regulatory aspects and has been involved in multiple negotiations of agreements of similar documents [sic]. He is and has been member of the Board of the National Chamber of Radio and Television Industry in Mexico for more than 20 years. He has acted as expert in Mexican laws in the States of Florida and New York and has participated in various mediation proceedings within the United States of America. Carlos enjoys participating in several industry events and has delivered presentations across the US, Canada and Mexico. Member of the Transportation Lawyers Association; Board of Directors of the National Chamber of the Radio and Television Industry; Auditor of the Board of Directors of the National Chamber of the Radio and Television Industry 2012; founding member and member of the Board of Directors of the Telecommunications Law Institute 2003; Secretary of the New Board of Trustees of the National Institute of Cancer, A.C. since 2012; Member of the International Trademark Association. Participated in the negotiations of the current USMCA.

Jol Silversmith
Jol A. Silversmith is a member of KMA Zuckert LLC. His practice principally involves advising airlines, airports, other aviation-related businesses, and governmental entities on such issues as government regulation (i.e., DOT and FAA), international bilateral relations, litigation, antitrust, intellectual property, and government affairs. Prior to joining Zuckert, Scoutt & Rasenberger, LLP in 1999, he graduated from Harvard Law School in 1998 and served as a law clerk to the Justices of the Superior Court of Massachusetts. He is a member of the District of Columbia Bar, the Massachusetts Bar, the Maryland Bar, and various federal courts, and is a co-chair of the TLA’s Antitrust and Unfair Trade Practices committee.

Jeff Simmons
Jeff Simmons serves as the Senior Vice President of Legal and Risk for the combined companies of GlobalTranz, Worldwide Express and Unishippers. Before the merger of the companies in July 2021, Jeff had served as Chief Legal Officer of GlobalTranz since March 2016. Jeff joined GlobalTranz after spending 30 years in private practice, most recently with the national law firm of Lewis Brisbois Bisgaard & Smith, LLP. While in private practice, he represented motor, rail, ocean and air carriers, as well as brokers, before courts, regulatory agencies and in contract negotiations. Jeff completed his one-year term as President of the Transportation Lawyers Association in May 2020 and is a past Chairman of the Conference of Freight Counsel. While in private practice, Jeff was named in the Best Lawyers in America® in the field of Transportation Law and in Southwest Super Lawyers® in the area of Transportation/Maritime Law. In 2014, he received the Transportation Lawyers Association’s Distinguished Service Award. Jeff received First Chair’s Top General Counsel Award in 2017. Jeff is a 1983 graduate of Georgetown University and a 1986 graduate of the University of Arizona College of Law.

Stephanie Stewart
Recognized by her peers as a “Super Lawyer” and/or “Leading Lawyer” in the area of professional liability for every year since 2007, Stephanie has successfully represented hundreds of lawyers and other professionals before the ARDC, the Illinois Department of Professional and Financial Regulation (IDFPR), the Illinois Board of Admissions to the Bar, the Judicial Inquiry Board, and in state and federal civil litigation matters. After graduating from Northwestern University Pritzker School of Law, Stephanie served as a prosecutor at the Illinois Attorney Registration and Disciplinary Commission (“ARDC”) where she investigated and litigated hundreds of attorney disciplinary cases. In 1999, she was promoted to Senior Counsel to the Administrator of the ARDC, a position she held until leaving the ARDC for private practice in 2002. Stephanie’s practice largely concentrates on representing attorneys at all levels of investigation and prosecution by the ARDC. Ms. Stewart is committed to providing highly-skilled representation before the ARDC (based on over 20 years of experience) in a cost-effective manner. Ms. Stewart has successfully defended attorneys in hundreds of ARDC matters, including formal (public) disciplinary cases. Stephanie has served as both a consulting and a testifying expert in the legal ethics field and regularly advises and represents governmental entities, corporations, law firms, and individual lawyers and other professionals in ethics matters. For example, she has conducted internal ethics investigations, including Himmel investigations, for some of the largest law firms in Chicago. She has also represented attorneys and law firms in relation to legal malpractice, motions to disqualify and for sanctions, fee disputes, and partnership matters. She has successfully represented numerous applicants at every stage before the Illinois Board of Admissions to the Bar (Committee on Character & Fitness), including five-person panel contested hearings. Stephanie also represents judges before the Judicial Inquiry Board and has obtained the confidential resolution of Rule 4(d) letters without the imposition of discipline. She has represented other professionals, including accountants and physicians, before the Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation (IDFPR) and negotiated favorable settlements with non-disciplinary orders.

Greg Summy
Greg Summy is Of Counsel with Woods Rogers Vandeventer Black LLP, Norfolk, VA, and is a member of the firm’s Transportation Practice Group. Prior to that, he served as Deputy General Counsel with Norfolk Southern Corporation, Associate General Counsel with North American Van Lines, Corporate Counsel with Lee Way Motor Freight, and in private practice in his hometown of Oklahoma City. Mr. Summy received a B. A. in History from the University of Oklahoma and a J. D. from the University of Oklahoma, where he was elected to the Order of the Coif. He is admitted to the Bars of Virginia, Oklahoma, and Indiana (inactive). Among his professional activities, Mr. Summy is Past President of the Transportation Lawyers Association (TLA), and Past Chair of the Transportation Section of the Virginia Bar Association. At TLA, Mr. Summy has been honored to receive the Distinguished Service Award, the Lifetime Achievement Award, and the Bullshippers’ Award. Mr. Summy is Past President of the Norfolk Portsmouth Bar Association Foundation, and was honored to receive the L’Anson Eggleston Professionalism Award from the Norfolk Portsmouth Bar Association in 2022. He is a member of the Board of Directors (Treasurer) of the Legal Aid Society of Eastern Virginia. Mr. Summy has appeared on continuing legal education panels of the TLA, Canadian Transport Lawyers Association, Maritime Law Association, the U. S. Law Firm Association, and the Virginia Bar Association.

William Taylor
Bill Taylor is a partner at Hanson Bridgett LLP and chairs the firm’s Transportation & Logistics Practice Group. He maintains transactional and litigation business practices representing both public and private ventures. Bill’s transactional practice includes M&A advice and counsel for both domestic and international deals, corporate reorganizations and other strategic business plans. Bill has significant experience in all aspects of the transportation industry and is well-versed in all areas of domestic and international logistics law and policy. He has a keen understanding of the intricate multi-party contractual arrangements and business relationships central to the movement of products in intrastate, interstate and foreign commerce, including the sale or purchase of companies in or out of this market. Bill regularly consults with and defends clients regarding co-employer or misclassification claims related to independent contractor relationships in this industry. Whether in transportation or any other enterprise, Bill has represented private and publicly-traded corporate clients in asset and equity-based mergers and acquisitions, restructurings, successorship planning, complex contract strategies and negotiations. He provides day-to-day counseling and assists business clients with internal and external legal requirements, including regulatory compliance matters before local, state and federal administrative agencies. He regularly represents clients in hearings before administrative agencies with jurisdiction over enforcement and compliance issues, including the California's PUC, DMV, and CHP, and CARB, as well as the U.S. DOT, FMCSA and other federal agencies, including defensive structural options in order to minimize exposure to such actions. Bill is frequently called upon to address industry associations regarding contract issues and related litigation strategies. He is a certified AAA Mediator and Arbitrator. In addition, Bill is a former President of the Transportation Lawyers Association and currently serves as an Executive Committee Member.

Robert Zimmerman
Robert Zimmerman is the General Counsel for Color Brands, LLC. He has extensive experience in both in-house and private legal practice relating to the transportation and logistics industry and currently focuses his in-house practice on general corporate law, including contract negotiation and litigation, with a focus on international and domestic transportation and logistics. Robert earned his JD from St. Louis University, his LLM in International Business Law from Queen Mary University of London, and his BS in History, Political Science, and Scandinavian Language and Culture from Indiana University. He is admitted to practice in the State of Illinois, the Northern District of Illinois, and the Northern District of Indiana.
Networking Events
TLA prides itself on the collegiality and unique networking environment its conferences create. The Chicago Regional Seminar and Bootcamp is no different. Enjoy any of the networking events we have planned.
Corporate Counsel and New and Young Lawyers Committee Reception
TLA’s Corporate Counsel & New and Young Lawyers members will hold a reception for committee members only
Welcome Reception
Join us for the Welcome Reception on Thursday where we will gather together to greet old friends and welcome our new members and first-time attendees.
Welcome Dinner – Gibsons Steakhouse
Chicago’s restaurants are some of the best in the world, so don’t miss the annual Welcome Dinner where we will show our appreciation for the moderators and speakers who make the Chicago Regional Seminar and Boot Camp such a success.
The dinner registration is $139 per person for non-speaker and moderators. The deadline to register for the dinner is January 6 or until it is sold out. *Dinner is currently sold out. Please email to be put on a waitlist.
Wine & Cheese Reception
After a stimulating day of education, we will relax at the wine and cheese reception on Friday evening.
Dine Arounds
For those of you who would like to continue networking and relaxing with your friends and colleagues, Dine Arounds on Friday evening following the Wine & Cheese Reception are being planned. Further information will be distributed to registered attendees as we approach the event.
Dive into the rich culture of downtown Chicago from the Radisson Blu Aqua Hotel, Chicago (221 North Columbus Drive), located minutes from the Magnificent Mile, Millennium Park, Grant Park, and Navy Pier. Designed by famed architect Jeanne Gang, our striking hotel places guests in the heart of the city with easy access to Financial District businesses and must-see attractions like “The Bean.” As the first Radisson Blu in the United States, the Aqua Hotel is the standard for upscale accommodations in Chicago. Our eco-friendly practices have also earned platinum-level status with TripAdvisor’s GreenLeaders Program.
During your stay, you can enjoy amenities such as our indoor and outdoor pools and our state-of-the-art fitness center with a full-size basketball court, an outdoor running track, and a steam and sauna room. Our tranquil lifestyle garden provides a welcome respite from the hustle and bustle of the day, and the on-site FireLake Grill House & Cocktail Bar offers delicious Midwestern cuisine in an inviting atmosphere. Hosting a large wedding or gala in Chicago? Our 28,000-square-foot meeting facilities and delicious catering options are sure to make your event shine.
Click here to book your room now. TLA has a room rate of $145* per night. Book by December 28, 2022. Don’t delay in booking your room – this block will sell out. You will see a $25 urban fee when making your reservation, however, this fee does not apply to group bookings. You can also call 312-565-5258.
(*plus applicable taxes and fee)